Positioning Measure Numbers

• Mar 2, 2011 - 19:34

I cannot get measure numbers to stay where I want them.
I'm using MuseScore 1.0 on Mac OS X, 10.5.8.
The problem: At least in this score, MuseScore puts the measure numbers where they are illegible and useless (see "Picture 2" attached). I right-click on the first measure number and choose "text properties" from the resulting box. I change Offset: X Y from 0.00sp and 4.00sp to 3.00sp and -2.00sp respectively, "apply to all elements of same type", OK. This gives me what I want (see "Picture 6" attached). I save, close, and quit MuseScore. I re-open MuseScore and re-open the file. The measure numbers have reverted to their original bad position (see "Picture 2" attached).

Attachment Size
Picture 2.png 7.91 KB
Picture 6.png 7.11 KB


See my reply in your other thread. It can be done, but you *do* need to use Text Style (and then close/repoen your score).

But I should note that the picture you show here is not what I was seeing when I said I like the defaults. Mine display just above the left edge of the staff; just to the left of the top loop of the treble clef when using that clef. Style->Edit Text Edit Style->Measure Numbers reports X & Y both 0, horizontal and vertical alignment centered. This is what I get for new scores created from scratch, and as far as I know there is no way to customize the defaults for "from scratch" scores, so I have been assuming that this really is the MuseScore default, but maybe somehow I really did customize the defaults.

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