Yet another DS within a repeat / volta question

• Jan 30, 2016 - 14:22

Here's my format

Verse 1
Verse 2

In the original printed score (I'm arranging for new instrumentation), the composer shows a volta 1 / volta 2, and at the end of the first volta is a notation "to Interlude", then at the end of the interlude the performer is returned to the beginning of the verse with a sign, and there is a Fine at the end of the second volta. The business parts of the original are shown in the attachment.

Is there a way to make Musescore render this in playback properly with the two verses written as a single section? I've tried several methods, but can't seem to get MS do do jumps predictably from within a repeated section. Note: I'm asking for a my ensemble-mate, who has entered the score pretty much as-written, and would like to avoid having to extract/copy/trim the second verse as it's own section in the music, but also because I anticipate running into this in the future and would like to set it up correctly the first time. I feel like I need to access goto/gosub syntax in the inspector to show the roadmap. ;-) Anyway, I'm open to suggestions/insight as to how I can make a non-standard repeat work in this fashion.

Attachment Size
Clipboard01.jpg 89.04 KB


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