I was told that for the next version, there would be a way to turn scores into videos. Is that true?

• Jan 30, 2016 - 21:50

So, I heard there would be a way to turn scores into videos the next version, would that be true?


Not sure what you remember hearing, but musescore.com has long had an animated score playback feature, and those scores can be embedded onto other sites.

In reply to by Elwin

As I said, on musescore.com, you can post your score, and it will play as a video. This isn't new, it has been a feature of musescore.com for several years. You can also create videoscores on msuescore where you synchronize this to a video you post to Youtube. This also has been available for several years. Have you explored those features?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It still isn't clear if you have successfully used musescore.com at all and if that is all you are needing. musescore.com, as I said, creates a page where people can view your score being played. It isn't a video per se, but it's better in significant ways - you can scroll through your score page by page, click a spot in your score to start playback there, etc.

The video score capability on msuescore.com doesn't *create* a video; it allows you to *synchronize* the animated display of your score on musescore.com qwith an *existing* video you *already* upload to YouTube, that you create some totally other way (eg, with a video camera at a live performance of your piece). Once you create that video using whatever measn you have at your disposal and uplaod it to YouTube, *then* you can use the facility on musescore.com to synchronize the display of the animated score with that video.

I am guessing that whatever it is someone was trying to tell you, you may have misunderstood it. if you can find the exact post, maybe we help explain again whatever it was.

In reply to by Thomas

Well, I hope it can happen, it's easier than just posting it on the site. One question, does it have to be uploaded at the site in order for it to be converted once possible, or can it be done through the software?

In reply to by Thomas

Will it require some sort of payment though? So, for clarification. When it is added to musescore, you upload your piece, and then you have the option to create it into an original video which you can post on youtube. Afterward, you are allowed to delete the score if you want right?

In reply to by Elwin

The functionality you ask will indeed be possible. And to be more precisely, the upload will be done to your account on Youtube. We intend to provide this service for free, with more features to personalise/customise the video and audio for Pro users.

In reply to by Thomas

Okay, Now, I'm glad it would be free. Is there a way to let people know (especially my followers) that after some time, the scores will be uploaded to youtube? (I do know that there is a youtube channel post present) Can musescore uploads to youtube also give follower notifications?

In reply to by Elwin

Good question on which I don't have an answer yet. It will depend on what is possible in the Youtube API, the technical door through which the MuseScore service will upload the video file. But if it's possible, we could make it an option for the user to check on/off.

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