Opened scores and corresponding files

• Feb 3, 2016 - 00:55

If I
   rs = readScore ( mscz_path )
I'll get null rs
a. when something wrong with file path or
b. when score is already opened

1. So how can I understand in plugin program which case is... ?
2. Or how can I identify opened scores by file path?

(my assumption was that in case b. readScore changes curScore to already opened score but it is not true )


1. You can't
2. You can't

If you explain what your plugin is supposed to do maybe we can tell you if it's possible as a whole or how to look into the code to make it possible in core or as a plugin.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

My plugin tunes Scores according two Patterns (see picture). If user needs to tune score1, score2 and so on - now plugin needs to close all scores and open them again just after user press "Process Score" despite the fact that it is possible to open only one score for processing.

I suppose it's very easy to implement 1 and 2

1. If we readScore which is not opened yet the curScore is set to opened score, isn't it?
So why not to do the same thing when we try to read score which is already opened and add another return code, for example "-1" for previously opened score? (and explain how it works in the help and handbook)

2. In Score object we have "name" property - so why not to save file path in "path" property?

Attachment Size
tuningScore.JPG 25.7 KB

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