crash when changing note duration on voice 2

• Mar 9, 2011 - 03:21

Version: 1.0
Revision: 3996
Windows XP

1) open attached file
2) select last note of voice 2 in measure 27
3) change note duration from eighth to quarter
-- crash

Attachment Size
104 - E minor.mscz 4.19 KB


MuseScore shouldn't crash indeed. But can you explain how you managed to get this setting in this measure ? the last beat on measure 2 is missing. If I try to reproduce the measure from scratch I can't get the crash.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I think you meant to say the "last beat on voice 2 is missing"? I didn't notice that before, but I think it happened when I shifted notes to the left via cut and paste of a partial measure with the 2 voices. I'll see if I can reproduce with a simpler example and post back if I find a repro recipe. q: can you reproduce the crash with the file I posted?

chen lung: yes the score was created from scratch in musescore 1.0.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

OK, I think I found the recipe to repro the missing beats on voice 2. Seems to be related to pasting voice 2 notes into a measure that doesn't have any voice 2.

1) open attached test.mscz file, which has notes for voice 1 and 2 in measure 1 and a whole rest for voice 1 in measure 2.
2) select notes 2-4 and ctl-X to cut
3) select half rest and ctl-V to paste

result: voice 1 is ok in measure 2 with one note and three rest beats, voice 2 has its first note, but is missing the rest beats in measure 2.

Attachment Size
test.mscz 1.41 KB
test-after-cut-n-paste.mscz 1.49 KB

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