import XML file from Audiveris to transpose it in Musescore

• Feb 4, 2016 - 16:53

I'm new, so sorry if it sound basic.
I play trombone and I need to play along with a trumpet Bb. I have the scan of the trumpet partition. My idea is to make the OMR and then transpose it in Musescore from treble key Bb to Bass key C.
Here is what Audiveris 4.3.3 gave me as xml file (and the .png original scan.).
As I try to open the .xml in Musescore 2.0.2, the program just crash, any time. What's wrong ?
Thanks for your help !
ArbanDuo250.xml ArbanDuo250.png


I can confirmthe cesh in 2.0.2, but in the nightly master build it doesn't Crash. Here an mscz created with that build (and then opened and saved with 2.0.2 again)

It had a very strange page Format, I changed it to A4

Attachment Size
ArbanDuo250.mscz 13.91 KB

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thank you both of you a lot. I will try to better set up the OMR, since the nightly build shows a very bad transcription. And then use these nightly build version to import it to mscz. This was just a test and I surely know there will a lot of others pieces to come. I'm just trying to find a simple efficient way. And if this is just problems on problems, it will be shorter and less frustrating for me to write it from scratch.
THank you

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