Running Musescore on a netbook

• Mar 15, 2011 - 00:45

Greets! First post and all ...

I'm wondering if anyone is running Musescore on a netbook, like the Asus EEE PC or Toshiba NB505 series. My VAIO laptop gave out on me and instead of buying another laptop, I'm considering one of the aforementioned netbooks. I travel a lot, and the longer battery life on the netbooks is pretty attractive to me.

The basic specs for each are similar: Windows 7 Starter OS, 1280x800 display, Intel Atom processor at 1.66GHz and 1Gb RAM upgradeable to 2GB. Neither have great sound, but that's OK. I mostly wish to compose and then transfer the files to my desktop which has a much better sound system when I'm home.

Thanks in advance for any replies. Cheers!


For some netbook users, screen real estate was a problem (since a few MuseScore windows are large) but at 1280x800 (which is higher than some desktops!) you should shouldn't have a problem.

A more general tip to keep in mind when purchasing a laptop or netbook, the actual battery life is approximately half of the advertised time (assuming you are using the computer during the time it is on battery). At least this is true in the United States (maybe other countries have regulations against this).

In reply to by David Bolton

I also have a netbook... and it is 16:9 screen, so vertically not so "big"....
I don't need musescore connect when I use it... so I'd like to make verticaly some note entry, and menu that are "up screen" on the right to win some space and not loosing so much on the right .... we can't yet........ could it be added ?

sorry to wake up a subject two years old, but it was the closer to me ;)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

je le fait en francais,
en fait mon netbook (a peu près la meme description que le netbook du premier post de mémoire en Windows 7 starter ) a un ecran "paysage" et l'ideal serait de mettre les menu du haut (N , les rythme, et la taille d'affichage, la lecture des notre entrée, les raccourcis ouvrir enregistrer imprimer...) a droite, on perdrait pas trop en largeur (vu que c'est du 16:9) et on gagnerais en hauteur pour la partition.... mais je n'arrive pas a fixer a droite sur le netbook (je viens d'y arriver sur le fixe.....)
par contre le truc avec les pourcentage il est large (l'ideal serait d'écrire en vertical mais heu je reve la) ainsi que tonalité de concert (ou sur deux ligne)

c'est plus clair?

un autre truc que j'ai remarqué, les racourcis chiffre pour les rythme en haut de mon clavier marche pas ne marche pas (meme aec shift) par contre si je bloque les truc de fonction ou j'ai un pavé sur è_çuiohjk (je crois) la ca marche.......

Merci, et désolé d'avoir ecris en francais sur cette page......

In reply to by Zynette

I answer in English, for everyone. The Toolbar (note entry, concert pitch etc...) are draggable. You can move them on the right (or left or bottom) to make some space at the top. You can also disable them with right click on the toolbar. This screenshot is on a mac, but I hope you get the point.

Capture d'écran 2014-03-31 12.51.40.png

Regarding the shortcuts, you can customize them in Preferences -> Shortcuts. You sould be able to assign Shift + Number.

Attachment Size
Capture d'écran 2014-03-31 12.51.40.png 225.59 KB

In reply to by Zynette

I answer in English, for everyone. The Toolbar (note entry, concert pitch etc...) are draggable. You can move them on the right (or left or bottom) to make some space at the top. You can also disable them with right click on the toolbar. This screenshot is on a mac, but I hope you get the point.

Regarding the shortcuts, you can customize them in Preferences -> Shortcuts. You sould be able to assign Shift + Number.

Attachment Size
Capture d'écran 2014-03-31 12.51.40.png 225.59 KB

I do pretty much as you describe, scoring on my Eee PC and transferring to my main computer for printing. My older (and smaller) netbook has a maximum native resolution of 1024x600, so I have to use a patch to emulate higher resolutions, otherwise some of the Musescore menu dialogues do not properly display. I have found that I can work quite comfortably at 1024x768, though I can choose higher if need be. The netbooks you mention will cover that with no difficulty.
Playback on a netbook can sometimes be a little jittery, but it is sufficient for the work that I do.

Best of luck to you, and please let us know how things work out.


I'm using a Samsung N140 netbook right now, and I use it on a regular basis with MuseScore too. No problems at all.

My Samsung specifications are very similar to what you listed, though the monitor is even smaller then yours (1024x600). With an intelligent use of the really good zoom and scroll features of MuseScore, I feel really comfortable with scoring on my Samsung. When I need more vertical space, I temporarily get rid of the "navigation" tool at the very bottom of the screen.

The low processor speed and the low RAM capacity are not a problem, as MuseScore doesn't look like demanding piece of software as regards computing power and memory requirements.

Just one note: buying a mouse and carrying it with you will be a good investment, as operating MuseScore with a trackpad, though perfectly feasable, is not a comfortable task, in my opinion.

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