Unable to alter measure properties in more than one bar at a time.

• Feb 11, 2016 - 21:29

A while back I used to be able to select a number of bars < rt. click > measure properties, and make them all stemless. Now it just applies that to one bar at a time.

Also, If I select a group of bars and use inspector to do this, when I set it to stemless, the stems remain but the note head (which I had previously set to slash) turns into a small triangle.

If necessary, I will make a bug report for the result in inspector.



Are you sure you used to be able to do this in measure properties? I don't remember this ever being possible.

You *can* - and always have been able to - set multiple *notes* to stemless, however. Simply select them all (eg, select a range, then press Notes in Inspector, or right click a note and use Select menu to select similar elements by staff, voice, etc), then use the Inspector to make them stemless.

If you are doing this to create slash notation, don't. There is now a *much* easier and much more effective way to create slash notation: just select a range and go to Edit / Tools / Fill With Slashes. One step and you're done. Not only is this infinitely easier than the old way, but it also locks the notes to the line position so they don't transpose.

I don't understand the comment about using the Inspector to set a note to stemless also setting the note head to triangle. That shouldn't happen, and doens't for me. If you have a specific score where this does happen, please post it and give precise steps to reproduce the problem.

In reply to by xavierjazz

I don't see any bars with "slash stems". Which measure do you mean? The ones with slashes (48-69) that are already stemless? If I select those measures, it also select the chord symbols, so I need to press the Notes button first to reduce the selection to just the notes. When I do that, I can check or uncheck the Stemless checkbox and nothing happens because you have also set the measure itself to stemless. So if I first go to Measure Properties and reset these to normal, then repeat the above process, then checking the Stemless box in the Inspector removes the stems and leaves the notes with slash heads. At no time do I see triangles. So I'm still confused as to the exact steps I need to follow in order to see triangles appear.

BTW, note that while you can't set Measure Properties for multipe measures at once (and as far as I can recall this was never possible), you *can* use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the dialgo to move from measure to measure. Just be sure to hit Apply first.

Again, though, there is no need for any of this. Just select a region, then Edit / Tools / Fill With Slashes, and sll of this is done for you, including protection against transposition. If you prefer your slashes above the center as you have it, you can use the Inspector to change the Line form 4 to 3.

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