Musescore 2.0 Copyright Placement Issue

• Feb 11, 2016 - 23:11


I have been working on reformatting a score of mine and transitioning to Musescore 2.0. I am struggling to figure out how to change the placement of a copyright on the bottom of the page. The issue I'm experiencing is that it looks fine in the score but when I extract parts, there is no way that I can find for me to separate the placement of the copyright from being superimposed over the notes on the page so it looks like a mess. In the old Musescore, you used to be able to move the text box around and change the margins to create some more space. Can this really not be possible any longer? I'm on a deadline and losing my mind... How do I fix this?! Pictures attached-- help!!



Attachment Size
score copyright.jpg 21.83 KB
individual part copyright.jpg 20.65 KB


Select the part and
menu Style > Text > Footer (almost the last)
Here you can encrease the vertical Offset.
If there are more parts there is also a button "Apply to all Part"

It's easier to help if you include the actual score, not just a picture of it.

But from the pciture, it appears your parts simply does not have a margin big enough to contain your copyright message. The score itself might have a bigger margin, or it might not need the margin becasue the layout might be such that the lowest staff of the system doesn't get close to the marign. There are a couple of different margins potentially involved - and here seeing the actual score would help - but most likely, you can get what you want by goign to Style / General / Page, increasing the "Music bottom margin" (the space between the last system of a page and the actual page margin), then pressing "Apply to all Parts".

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