Updating the handbook

• Mar 23, 2011 - 18:26

I updated the Arpeggio entry of the online handbook adding details of how to use Glissando since it was missing. I can't figure out how to update the main handbook entry from "Arpeggio" to "Arpeggio & Glissando" without breaking the link to the actual content page for arpeggio.


In reply to by Thomas

But how do _I_ edit the handbook topics page without breaking it? The link between displayed title, topic page title and actual HTML title was not obvious...

In reply to by David Bolton

Update the links how? I was trying to update the main page by editing the titles, but I could find no way to change it from "arpeggios" to "arpeggios & glissando" without breaking the links. The editable text showed no link/URL to the HTML page name, and I thought I was just changing the displayable text but everytime I changed it, the HTML link was changed as well.

In reply to by Thomas

Two things: First, I'm sure I also tried the title "arpeggios and glissando" (without the &) but I kept getting "%20" (space character) in the title. The web link for multi-word titles uses "word-word", connected with a dash. I could see no way to make the link work, and also to change the actual content page title as well so they matched. Someday I will try it again, but I doubt it will work for me.

Second, there's no mention in the help section under the comment window that "&" is a special character. Perhaps a line could be added mentioning this, and other special characters that can't be used.

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