Midi input won't progress from note to note

• Feb 22, 2016 - 05:52

Hi,any help would be appreciated. Just began using MuseScore and wanted to start using Midi for input. I looked at all the tutorials (this is the tutorial I am trying to replicate in principle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxy3IEUFxJM) , manuals and have played around on it trying to get it to work. In the attached Doc2.pdf doc, I have a pic of my experimenting. I punched in the notes on the treble clef through measure 13 and tried the bass clef and all the notes ran together instead of moving along as shown in the tutorial. So I tried in the treble clef in measure 14 and it seemed to kind of work through measure 15. After that, I can't get the notes to progress from one to another. Instead, what should be a progress of notes ends up clumping up into one mass of notes until I input a new note via mouse or keyboard. Anyone know what I am doing wrong or how to put a setting in to change it? Thanks!

As a side note, I am using a Roland JV-90- performance grade synth with a midi to usb cable for interfacing.

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Doc2.pdf 251.29 KB


Can you try with another keyboard? At first glance, it seems yours might not be sending note-off events as expected, although why that would happen only after several measures is not clear. You might also try again with an empty score in case this one is corrupted.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the feedback. I don't have another keyboard to try. However, I did try a new score and it worked great until I played a cord, then it stopped progress. I clicked a new note and continued playing single notes and it worked well until I hit multiple notes. Is that how it is designed? Did I miss something in the guides? Again, thank you for your time and help!

It's a Roland JV 90. I bought it used in 1997 from a professional studio. I think he only had it a few years as he built his studio for audio and video then shifted to video only. I'll do a search on it. I thought about firmware updating but then concluded it probably is old enough there isn't a way for updating the software. It had expandable slots and I could increase up to 56 polyphony- but not sure about updating internally.

In reply to by StWoodle

Hi St

Bought used in 1997 means it's likely over 20 years old. This may mean nothing, however, it should still work with that polyphony, assuming your USB MIDI driver is current.

Other recommendations:
1- Try connecting the Roland to your sound interface using actual MIDI cables instead of USB.
2- Can you borrow a more current keyboard to see if your keyboard is the issue or your computer?
3- Single note entry works. Try adding one extra note at a time, that is, start with a triad--say C, E. Try to establish at which point the MIDI entry fails.

Keep us posted.

- Lee

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