How would I be able to show verse numbers neatly on a score?

• Feb 23, 2016 - 00:17

I need to be able to show verse numbers on a score. I want them to be all in a straight line going downward, while the word is still centered on the note.


Just type the verse number as part of the lyric - eg, "1.The". If you want a space between the "1." and the actual lyric, you can enter that as Ctrl+space.

In reply to by Elwin

Can you post the specific score you are having problems with? If you enter the number as part of the lyric, it should look exactly like it does on my picture.

It is true the words aren't centered, though. You can't have it both ways if the words have different lengths. Either they are centered, or they are aligned. Some editors choose to keep them centered, others choose to align them. MuseScore does it the latter way. Of the editors who choose to align the syllables, many then shift the whole column over to the left so that the longest word is centered and other syllables are shifted kind of abnormally to the left. I don't particular care for that look, but it is pretty common, and if it's what you want, just select the column of lyrics and use the Inspector to shift them all to the left. Here is that same example with a -1.5sp horizontal offset:


This is the way many editors do it, and since you mention both aligning and centering, I am guessing this is what you want?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That would work, well, I will try that. I am unable to post the actual score I am working on due to copyright joint-ownership issues with the person I own the score with, but I believe I can replicate it. I'll try what you said first before I post. Thanks :)

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