• Feb 24, 2016 - 03:19


Is there a way to convert either a Musescore file to PDF or PDF to Musescore?

Get back to me,


MS - pdf: Go to File - export
Pdf - ms: Not so easy. There is no direct translation, it requires saving the .pdf as an .xml file and loading that into MS.

It is generally unlikely you will get a useful result; it will probably demand a lot of tweaking, even if the pdf was in publishable form.

Better just to write it, really. Quite quick once you have experience with MS.

Musescore to PDF is as simple from exporting from the program itself. In the upper left corner of (NOT .org, as it doesn't always show up for me) you should see "PDF Converter." This will allow you to upload a PDF and it will be converted, however, it doesn't always work great. Sometimes it is pretty spot on, but PDFs that aren't already computer generated scores will likely fail or be pretty badly transposed.

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