random start point for playback, random chord and note entry order too

• Mar 28, 2011 - 16:18

Would someone mind loading up the attached score and trying to play it back from various different points? I find it works "sometimes" to select a note and hit Space, but other times it starts from some other completely different place (dozens of measures earlier). I haven't encountered this before, and before submitting an issue, I'd like to know it's at least somewhat reproducible by others.

Another thing to try: go to letter "F", double click the first chord (Ab7) of the piano part, then hit space bar to move on to the next note. What happens after eight presses of the space bar? For me, it jumps to the previous staff.

Similar oddities happen if use alt-arrow while in Note Input mode to move to the next/previous note - sometimes it randomly jumps from staff to staff.

Attachment Size
your_mind_is_on_vacation.mscz 18.33 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Ah, that's great that I can workaround the playback problem by turning off repeats. I hadn't tried that, although I do now remember seeing that issue.

As for the chord problem, I'm surprised I hadn't run into this before, if it's really as simple as that. As I've played around with this more, though see it really is pretty easy to get the space bar to misbehave in this way. I guess I usually just enter a progression one staff then copy it to others.

So good to know that it's reproducible, and thanks for submitting the issue!

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