Drum Notation

• 17 Janv. 2018 - 21:29

I am having a bit of difficulty and I was wandering if you could help out. I would like to have the snare drum playing whilst the high hat is playing. The problem is that the stem direction goes up along with it despite me trying to change this in the edit drum-set. Do you know whether this is possible or not.
Many thanks,


En réponse à par cadiz1

En aparté et à l'adresse des développeurs (ou webmaster, je ne sais pas): d'où vient au juste cette nouvelle "manie" de commencer à recevoir en pagaille des posts en anglais sur le forum français?

En réponse à par [DELETED] 5

"Pour les spams, vous pouvez cliquer sur le nom d'utilisateur, puis l'icone avec 3 petits points > mark this user as spam "
C'est donc de retour. De mémoire, depuis plusieurs semaines - et les spams avaient pour ainsi dire été éradiqués-, ce "mark this user as spam" avait disparu.
L'icône avec les trois points, sauf erreur de ma part, n'avait plus que deux "options": Edit et Subscribe.

Hi Luke,

This is an off topic question but we need your help with this as you managed to post an English question in the French forum. We try to understand how this become possible.

  • Do you use the MuseScore software in a language other than English? Like French for instance?
  • Do you have your browser or operating system running in another language than English?
  • Were you aware that you were posting in the French forum instead of the English one (perhaps it was on purpose?)

Thanks for answering.

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