
• יולי 25, 2023 - 15:46

תגיות HTML מותרות:
You can enable syntax highlighting of source code with the following tags: , , , , , , , , , , .
You can use Markdown syntax to format and style the text. Also see Markdown Extra for tables, footnotes, and more.
You can link nodes to other nodes using the following syntax: [node:node_id,title="val2"]
כתובות אתרי אינטרנט וכתובות דוא"ל יהפכו אוטומטית לקישורים
Github commits (eg abc1234) turn into links automatically.
Use [gist:####] where #### is your gist number to embed the gist.
You may use NOT FOUND: xx tags to display uploaded files or images inline.
Project issue numbers (ex. [#12345]) turn into links automatically.
מעבר שורות ופסקאות מתבצע אוטומטית.


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