
本页面显示的是MuseScore 3的旧版使用说明。
使用MuseScore 4的用户请移步文本样式与属性





    • 名称:若有需要,可更改用户样式的名称。
    • Font face / Font size / Font style: The name of the font (e.g Times New Roman, Arial etc.), its size in points, and any optional Italic, Bold or Underline formatting.
    • Align: Horizontal (left, right, center) and Vertical.
    • Offset X/Y: Horizontal and vertical offsets in sp. units.
    • Size changes with staff space setting: Whether text size changes in proportion to score scaling.
    • 框型:选择在文本周围的圆形或方形框架。
    • 前景色:of the frame border.
    • 背景色:of the background within the frame.
    • 边框粗细:Thickness of the line of the frame in space units.
    • Text margin : Inner frame margin in space units.
    • 圆角半径:对于外框圆角的半径。

      Notes: (1) Opacity is set by the parameter "Alpha channel" in the "Select Color" dialog: a value between 0, transparent, and 255, opaque. (2) Other text properties, such as font color, can be set in the Inspector.

    You can also edit the text properties of a Text Style by selecting an object of the desired style in the score, adjusting its properties in the Inspector, and clicking the Set as style buttons as you go. This will automatically update the Text Style and all relevant text objects in the score.

    Text objects

    If you want to format a particular text object in the score differently to its Text Style, select it and adjust its text properties in the Inspector:

    Text section of the Inspector

    If you have made changes to a particular text property in the Inspector, but want to revert that property to the Text Style definition, press the "Reset to style default" button.




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