
本页面显示的是MuseScore 3的旧版使用说明。
使用MuseScore 4的用户请移步和弦符号

    和弦记号 are an abbreviated way of representing musical chords (see Chord names and symbols (Wikipedia) for further details). For example:



    As well as conventional chord symbol notation, MuseScore as of version 3.3 also supports the Nashville Number System (NNS), and Roman Numeral Analysis (RNA).


    1. 选择起始的音符或斜杠;
    2. 按下Ctrl+K(Mac:Cmd+K);
    3. 光标现在位于谱表上方,准备输入。普通文本一样输入和弦符号,如下所示:
      • 根音符:A、B、C、D、E、F、G。
      • 升号#(井号,在英式键盘上是Alt+3)。
      • 降号b(小写字母“b”)。
      • 重升号x(小写字母“x”)或## (两个井号)。
      • 重降号bb(两个小写字母“b”)。
      • 还原号natural. :在输入本单词不应输入空格, 但其后的任何和弦文本都应使用空格分隔——后者使用命令插入Ctrl+空格。所以,要写下B♮m时,请输入“Bnatural”,然后按下Ctrl+空格,再键入“m”。也可使用Ctrl+Shift+H。请注意,这些都无法转换或播放(根音符除外),也无法正确导出到MusicXML。
      • 有关其他符号,请参阅下文和弦符号语法
    4. 将光标前后移动以继续输入或编辑和弦符号(请参阅下文[键盘命令](#commands)。

    When you exit a chord symbol, the characters entered will automatically assume the correct format: by default a root note typed in lower case will turn into upper case (for alternative options, see Automatic Capitalization); a "#", "b" or "natural" will turn into a proper sharp (♯), flat (♭) or natural (♮) and so on. Do not try to use actual flat, sharp and natural signs, as MuseScore will not understand those properly.



    • 空格将光标移到后一个音符、休止符或节拍
    • Shift+空格将光标移到前一个音符、休止符或节拍
    • Ctrl+空格(Mac:Alt+空格)在和弦名称中添加空格
    • ;将光标移到下一拍
    • :将光标移到上一拍
    • Tab将光标移到下一节
    • Shift+Tab 将光标移到上一节
    • Ctrl(Mac:Cmd)加上数字(1 - 9)按与数字相对应的时值移动光标(例如,6为二分音符)
    • Esc退出。


    MuseScore understands most of the abbreviations used in chord symbols:

    • 大调:M、Ma、Maj、ma、maj、Δ(键入tˆ以打出三角形)。
    • 小调:m、mi、min、-
    • 减和弦:dim、°(以小写字母输入o,若使用[爵士风格] (#appearance),则显示为°,其他情况时显示为o)
    • Half-diminished:ø (键入数字0)。或者,您也可以选择mi7b5等缩写。
    • 增和弦:aug、+
    • 以下缩写也是有效的:extensions and alterations like b9 or #5, sus, alt, and no3; inversions and slash chords, such as C7/E; commas; parentheses, which can enclose part, or even all, of a chord symbol.







    • 在主菜单格式样式文本样式和弦符号。然后根据需要编辑文本属性。
    • 选择一个和弦符号并在检视器中进行更改,按下“设为样式”按钮。


    To access formatting options for chord symbols:

    • From the menu, select FormatStyle…Chord Symbols. Adjustable properties are listed under the following headings:


    Three options are possible: Standard and Jazz and Custom. You can select between these using the radio buttons.

    • In the Standard style, chords are rendered simply, with the font determined by your chord symbol text style.

      Standard chord symbols

    • In the Jazz style, the MuseJazz font is used for a handwritten look, with distinctive superscript and other formatting characteristics. The Jazz style is selected by default if you use any of the Jazz templates.

      Jazz chord symbols

    • The Custom style option allows you to customize the look of chord symbols (and also ensures compatibility with older scores). Select a customized Chord symbols style file in the field below: this can be created by copying and modifying one of the pre-existing files in the "styles" folder. Documentation can be found in the same folder. Note, however, that this is for advanced users only, and there is no guarantee these files will be supported in the future.


    By default, MuseScore uses letter names for chord symbols. For users in regions where other note naming schemes are used, MuseScore provides the following controls:

    • 标准:A、B♭、B、C、C♯……
    • 德式:A、B♭、H、C、C♯……
    • Full German:A、B、H、C、Cis……
    • Solfeggio:Do、Do♯、Re♭、Re……
    • 法式:Do、Do♯、Ré♭、Ré……
    Automatic Capitalization

    By default, MuseScore automatically capitalizes all note names on exit, regardless of whether you entered them in upper or lower case. However, you can also choose other automatic capitalization options:

    • Lower case minor chords:c, cm, cm7,...
    • Lower case bass notes:C/e,...
    • 全大写音名:DO, RE, MI,...

    You can also turn off the automatic capitalization completely, in which case note names are simply rendered the way you type them.


    • Distance to fretboard diagram: If a fretboard diagram is present, this value is the height at which the chord symbol is applied above the diagram (negative values can be used).
    • Minimum chord spacing: The space to leave between chord symbols.
    • Maximum barline distance: Changes the size of the gap between the last chord symbol in the measure and the following barline. You only need to adjust this value if there is a continuous problem in the score with overlap between the last symbol in one measure and the first symbol in the next.

    Note: In addition to the settings described here, the default position of applied chord symbols is also determined by settings in the Text Styles dialog. The effect is cumulative.


    Enter the number of the capo position at which you want to display substitute chords, in brackets, after all chord symbols in the score.

    Nashville Number System

    The Nashville Number System (NNS), available in MuseScore since version 3.3, is a shorthand way of representing chords based on scale degrees rather than chord letters. This allows an accompaniment to be played in any key from the same chord chart.

    To start entering Nashville notation:

    1. Select a start note;
    2. From the menu, select AddTextNashville Number.

    Just as with standard chord symbols, you can type Nashville notation normally and MuseScore will do its best to recognize and format the symbols appropriately. The same shortcuts used for navigation when entering standard chord symbols (e.g. Space, see above) are available for Nashville notation as well.



    As of MuseScore 3.3, the Roman Numeral Analysis system is supported—a type of musical analysis where chords are represented by upper and lower case Roman numerals (I, ii, III, iv etc.), superscripts, subscripts and other modifying symbols. It is used to notate and analyze the harmony of a composition independent of its key (see External links for further details).

    Note: Unlike standard chord symbols and Nashville notation, which MuseScore formats using its own algorithms, RNA uses the free and open source Campania font to format the symbols. This allows MuseScore to format the symbols as you type, rather than applying the formatting only when you are done. Also, if you install the Campania font on your system normally, you can use it in other programs as well and benefit from the same formatting.


    1. Select a start note;
    2. From the menu, select AddTextRoman Numeral Analysis. Alternatively, set up a keyboard shortcut to do the same thing in Preferences;
    3. Input the RNA symbols for the chord just like normal text, as follows;
      • Major chord: Upper case roman numerals
      • Minor chord: Lower case roman numerals
      • Diminished chord: o (lower case)
      • Half-diminished chord: 0 (zero)
      • Augmented chord: +
      • Chord inversions: Enter up to 3 single-digit numbers, top note first
      • Accidentals: # (sharp), b (flat)
      • For other symbols, see the images below, "Examples of RNA".
    4. Move the cursor forward or backwards to continue entering or editing symbols for other chords;
    5. When RNA is completed, exit by pressing Esc, or by clicking on a blank section of the score.

    Just as with standard chord symbols, you can type Roman numeral analysis normally and MuseScore will do its best to recognize and format the symbols appropriately. The same shortcuts used for navigation when entering standard chord symbols are available for Roman numeral analysis as well (see Keyboard commands (above)).

    Examples of RNA

    Type this:

    RNA Example, type this

    To get this:

    RNA Example, get this

    Playback (as of version 3.5)


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