Issues for MuseScore (deprecated)

NOTICE: This issue tracker will be removed after March 10th, 2024.

If you are experiencing difficulties with MuseScore Studio, please ask for help in the Support and bug reports forum. Thank you!

Title Status Priority Version Replies Last updated
Guitar "Let Ring" Playback Faults active 3.0 6 4年
Over tooltip in piano roll keyword does not match written notation when using trasposition instruments active 3.3 0 4年
Crash on entering chord symbols needs info 3.3 4 4年
Deleting a solo-playing instrument causes playback to mute active 3.3 1 4年
single piano stave with bass clef turns to treble after property edit active 11 4年
Add macro facilities active 3.3 1 4年
MuseScore compile issue on macOS 10.11.6 / Xcode 8.2.1 / Qt 5.9.8 active 3.x-dev 1 4年
Problems with start and end repeat needs info 3.3 1 4年
Ctrl+R does not reset leading space active 3.1 2 4年
Name on Part Tab is not updated active 3.2 3 4年
Musescore 3 stucks at splash screen active 3.3 2 4年
I can't hear the sound when I'm trying to play my music needs info 3.3 4 4年
Augmentation dots not following note while decreasing chord-offset active 3.3 0 4年
No playback in MuseScore3 needs info 3.3 1 4年
The play button doesn't work needs info 3.3 1 4年
Musicxml: use direction offset tag during export (and import) active 3.0 25 4年
Beam visual glitch after applying time signature between active 3.3 5 4年
Afspeel paneel (Playback panel) not shown full needs info 3.3 6 4年
Instrument change does not adjust key signature for new instrument active 3.3 5 4年
Save online, login page loop active 3.3 4 4年
[Musicxml Export] - Harp Pedal Diagram should be exported active 3.3 1 4年
Playback becomes broken after a certain point when a repetition bar line is removed or altered active 3.3 6 4年
Issue reports can be posted without the uploaded/chosen files attached active 2 4年
[Guitar Pro 7] Support of the new .gp format PR created 25 4年
(Autoformat) Anchorpoints change only based on the distance of the notation, ignoring lyrics belonging to the system active 3.2 12 4年