
New ebook available – MuseScore: The Essential Beginner's Guide

• 12 years ago

MuseScore users might be interested in my new ebook – MuseScore: The Essential Beginner's Guide. It's available at a special launch price for 4 days.

The book contains step-by-step tutorials showing you how to publish, play and share your music. For more information, visit

25% of each sale will be donated back to the MuseScore project.

All the best

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New Jazz / Lead Sheet Features in MuseScore 1.1

• 12 years ago

With the release of MuseScore 1.1, there are a number of enhancements and new features that will be of interest to jazz musicians and others creating lead sheets. I have updated my tutorial on creating lead sheets to take advantage of these improvements. It is split into two parts: The Basics and Advanced Topics .

Below, I describe in some detail the changes to be found in MuseScore 1.1. But first, to whet your appetite, here is the chart

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MuseScore installed on 10,000 computers in Quebec

• 13 years ago

CSSMI, the Board of Education of La Seigneurie des Milles-îles in Canada, introduced on their blog a list of new software that became available on their computer network. Along with other free software, MuseScore was in the list as well. The blog post didn't reveal much so we contacted CSSMI to get some more details.

Jean-François Dupras replied to us saying "Oui effectivement, le logiciel MuseScore est maintenant disponible sur l'ensemble de nos 10,000 postes pédagogique". Thus MuseScore

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How the Open Goldberg Variations Project is pushing MuseScore forward

• 13 years ago

There's a new update on the Open Goldberg Variations Kickstarter project detailing some of the new things coming to MuseScore as a result of the project. Werner and Thomas came to Cologne and met pianist Kimiko Ishizaka for the first time.

Bach's Goldberg Variations are a complex piece of music. The score has up to four voices per staff and makes heavy use of cross staff beaming. Some parts are also very dense and all this makes the Goldbergs a

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Calling for Google Summer of Code 2011

• 13 years ago

Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects. For the summer of 2011, the MuseScore developer team is looking for students who would like to work on MuseScore.

When MuseScore gets accepted as a mentoring organization, Google will provide a stipend of 5500 USD per accepted student developer which is shared between the student and the mentor. Read on if you are interested to

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Open Goldberg Variations - Setting Bach Free

• 13 years ago

Robert Douglass, a German horn player and MuseScore enthusiast, has a noble project he'd like to share with us. He wants to create a new score and studio recording of J.S. Bach's Goldberg Variations, and place them in the public domain for everyone to own and use without limitations on licensing.

Bach wrote his seminal work over 270 years ago, yet public domain scores and recordings are hard or impossible to find. Robert is determined to change this. He launched

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New Tips and Tutorials Site for MuseScore Users

• 13 years ago

Hello fellow MuseScore users,

Just thought I'd let you know that I've started a new website: which features tutorials, articles, how-to videos and general information on getting the most out of MuseScore. I'm also going to include articles about general music notation/music publishing conventions as well as interviews with composers, songwriters, teachers and students who use MuseScore on a regular basis.

There's a free cheatsheet (list of MuseScore shortcuts and basic techniques) available for anyone who signs up to

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Call for updating MuseScore translations

• 13 years ago

Dear MuseScore friends,

Let me first start with wishing you all a Happy New Year. While 2010 was a tremendous year for MuseScore, 2011 will prove to be even more exciting with the release of MuseScore 1.0. If you speak another language besides English, you can help make MuseScore 1.0 the best release ever.

All the outstanding bugs for 1.0 have been fixed thanks to the work of Leon, Miwarre, David, Nicolas and Werner during the past 2 weeks. Now

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The State of MuseScore

• 13 years ago

Over the past years, we have been focusing on two major aspects of the MuseScore project: adding features and make MuseScore as stable as possible. We have really come a long way. With the launch of in September 2008, things started to accelerate. It facilitated more interaction between users and developers on all levels: bug hunting, writing documentation, translating the software and much more.

Two years later, the results are phenomenal. From 2000 downloads in Aug 2008, MuseScore has

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