Automatic placement

Updated 2 jare ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Automatic placement.

MuseScore's automatic placement (AP) feature ensures that, in most cases, elements are correctly spaced and do not collide or overlap with each other.

Note: When you create an element, AP is automatically enabled, but can be turned off if required (see Disable automatic placement).

Default position

A newly-created element, such as staff text or fingering, assumes a default position on the staff specified by "positional" properties contained in the Style menu. These "positional" properties may include things such as:

  • Placement: Whether the element appears above or below the staff.
  • Offset: For elements with no "Placement above/below" properties, this specifies the default position. See Offset X/Y.
  • Autoplace min distance: Minimum distance from other elements when autoplace is enabled.

For details of the settings available for each element type, see Layout and formatting: Style.

Change the default placement of an element

Use one of the following methods:

  • From the menu, select FormatStyle; choose an element type and then adjust the placement/position settings.
  • Select a relevant element in the score and change the placement/position settings in the Inspector; then press the Set as style" button (S) to update the Style settings.

Manual adjustments

Adjust position of element

Use one of the following methods:

  • Select the element and adjust the X and Y offsets in the Inspector (see X and Y offsets).
  • Move the element using the arrow buttons. Change to edit mode first, if necessary.
  • Drag and drop the element using the mouse. Use this method in preference to the above, if you want to move an element across another one (e.g. fingering across a slur). Once located on the other side you can use the X/Y offsets in the Inspector, or the keyboard arrow keys to fine tune the position.

Place element above/below staff

Elements with a "Placement" property available in the Inspector can be easily moved from above the staff to below it, and vice versa:

  1. Select one or more elements.
  2. Use one of the following methods:
    • Change the "Placement" setting in the Inspector.
    • Press X to toggle between above/below.

Note: When automatic placement is enabled for an element, you cannot position it in a way that causes a collision with other elements.

Disable automatic placement

  • Select the element and uncheck the "Automatic placement" box in the Inspector.

The element reverts to its default position. It can be repositioned as desired and is no longer avoided when placing other elements.

Stacking order

To change the value for Stacking order:

  • Select the element and change the "Stacking order" value in the Inspector.

In cases where elements are allowed to overlap, Stacking order controls the order in which they are placed on top of each other. The element with the lower value will be placed behind.

Default stacking order values (source)

Item Default stacking order value
Accidental 1600
Ambitus 2200
Arpeggio 1500
Articulation 2800
Barline 1100
Beam 3200
Bend 4800
Breathmarks 2500
Caesura 2500
Change instrument 4400
Clef 2000
crescendo - diminuendo 5100
D.C. 3700
D.S. 3700
Dynamic 3100
Fall etc. 3000
Fermata 2900
Fingering 3800
Flag 3300
Fretboard diagram 4700
Glissando 6100
Hairpin 5100
Hook/Flag 3300
Instrument names 800
Key signature 2100
Ledgerlines 1700
Line 5700
Minus sign measure 1099
mf + hairpin 5100
Note anchored line 5700
Note dot 6600
Noteheads 1900
Ornament 2800
Ottava's 5200
Palm mute 5600
Parenthesis 500
Pedal lines 5900
Rehearsal mark 4300
Repeat measure sign 2600
Rest 2400
RH fingering 2800
Sawtooth 5500
Segno 3600
Slide etc. 3000
Slur 900
Stafflines 1200
Staff text 4100
Stem 1800
System text 4200
Tempo 4000
Text line 5700
Thumb pos 2800
Tie 1000
Time signature 2300
Title text 600
Tremolo 6700
Tremolobar 4900
Trill lines 5300
Volta 5800

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