Taalinstellings en vertalingsbywerkings

Updated 6 jare ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Taalinstellings en vertalingsbywerkings.

    MuseScore sal met jou "Stelsel"-taal (die taal wat vir meeste programme gebruik word en oor die algemeen afhang van jou land en die taalinstellings van jou rekenaar of rekening) geïnstalleer word en werk.

    Verander taal

    1. Vanaf die keuselys, kies WysigVoorkeure... (Mac: MuseScoreVoorkeure...);
    2. In die Algemeen -oortjie, kies die verlangde taal uit die uitvoulys in die Taal-afdeling:

      Dialog: Edit / Preferences / General

    3. To update translations, click on the Update translations button. Then click on the Update buttons for the languages you want to update (for an alternative method, see below).

    As then indicated, you will have to exit and reopen MuseScore for changes and updates to take effect.

    Update translation

    You can update the translation as explained above, via the preferences settings, but there is another method:

    1. From the menu, select HelpResource Manager;
    2. Click on the Update buttons for the languages you want to update.

      Dialog: Help / Resource Manager

    Here too you will have to exit and reopen MuseScore for the update to take effect.

    See also

    Do you still have an unanswered question? Teken asb. eers in om jou vraag te plaas.