Como ajustar los rangos de dinamica en Musescore 4?

• May 14, 2023 - 08:33

Hola, quisiera editar una partitura de piano de manera que las dos manos tengan dinàmicas distintas.
Como puedo ajustar los rangos de dinamica en Musescore 4?
Cuando selecciono el elemento i abro el panel de propiedades, el boton de reproducción no está activo y si abro las propiedades del compas, me muestra como opciones la velocity i el tunning.
Muchas gracias


Translation for this English-language forum:
How to adjust the dynamics ranges in Musescore 4?
"Hi, I would like to edit a piano score so that the two hands have different dynamics.
How can I adjust the dynamics ranges in Musescore 4?
When I select the item and open the properties panel, the play button is not active and if I open the bar properties, it shows me velocity and tuning as options.
Thank you very much"

Use the velocity settings on the notes to alter their volume - currently supported on soundfonts but not Muse Sounds. Additional controls will be coming in future updates.

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