special bar? 4/4 Estrellita

• May 12, 2014 - 15:53

I'm working on Estrellita, 4/4 with ks single flat,

how to re-produce this bar, it seems 5/4 in solo part, but 4/4 obviously in piano part.

pls. teach me how to understand this bar?

thank you very much.

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special-bar.jpg 23.19 KB
special-bar.mscz 2.39 KB


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I think the point is, it really is a 4/4 bar, but maybe the Ab really was intended to overlap the E (playing them on different strings). Meaning multiple voices are involved, and which case, the editor really should not have hidden the leading half rest in the upper voice or trailing quarter rest in lower, as doing so invites exactly this confusion.

Or it really is a typo :-)

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