Condensing of Score

• Jun 7, 2014 - 04:27

Would it be possible to have the option to condense the score for a larger ensemble such as an orchestra into a piano transcription?


You mean automatically figure out which parts to throw away, how to simplify the many different rhythms that might all be happening at once into multiple voices, etc? That's an enormously complex artificial intelligten problem. Heck, it's a non-trivial problem for professional orchestrators.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I suppose that would be a difficult problem, though I'm not that familiar with computer programming. I saw the feature on another notation editor (Sibelius 7 I think) and I'm not sure what stipulations there are for using it on that program i.e. only being able to condense scores that had a maximum number of staves. Anyways, I thought I'd suggest it.

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