Some channels not exported to MIDI?

• Oct 20, 2014 - 01:26

1. Open attached mscz (produced in 1.3).
2. 'File'>'Export…'.
3. Choose 'MIDI'.
4. 'Save'.
5. Play file.

Expected result: Six notes are heard.
Actual result: Two notes are heard.

Note: The exported MIDI is attached.

Discussion: I don't know what bars or channels are being ignored, or if there's another problem.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build dc48ff5 - Mac 10.7.5.


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Adding channel and port is quite different than a complete overhaul ;)
Igervorse worked on the channel port assignation this summer It just needs some more testing.

On the other hand, MuseScore 1.3 didn't have channel/port customization and for most of the users, it just worked. It would be a pity that the UI becomes hard to use to address the needs of a few. Jack and VSTi are not going to become mainstream any time soon.

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