Nightly build - start up error
I am on Fedora 10. I downloaded r-3116 for GNU/Linux from here
, but could not to start it up. Here is what I get:
[piotr@localhost Pobrane]$ /home/piotr/Pobrane/mscore
/home/piotr/Pobrane/mscore: symbol lookup error: /home/piotr/Pobrane/mscore: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData7detach3Ev
I've never tried nightly builds before. Maybe I do something wrong? Could anyone give me a hint?
Thanks in advance.
Are you running Fedora in 32-bit or 64-bit? What version of Qt comes with Fedora 10?
In reply to Are you running Fedora in by David Bolton
I am running Fedora 32-bit with Qt toolkit 4.5.3-9
In reply to I am running Fedora 32-bit by perotinus
For what it is worth, the latest nightly builds are based on Qt 4.6