Crash on Save - (Mac OS 10.4.11)

• Jun 12, 2010 - 19:17

Hi everyone,

I just downloaded MuseScore (0.9.6) and installed it. It appears to run fine and I can play and change the demo file. I can also save the demo file. Looks very nice.

However, if I try and create a new file and then save it, it crashes on save. This has happened every time - I can add notes and delete them and work with instruments, it's just save that, well, won't...

Any Ideas?




In reply to by David Bolton

Yes I did exactly that.

And it all worked perfectly apart from the 'Save a file created using New...' problem.

I've worked for several hours now using a file derived from the demo file and only had one crash (which I think was due to a time signature not updating the measure properties properly - so some parts of the program thought a bar was 3/4, while others thought it was 7/16.

I solved that by deleting that bar and then inserting a new bar - when normal operation resumed...

In reply to by David Bolton

The good news is that I can no longer replicate the original behaviour - I can now create and then save new scores both from scratch and using one of the templates.

I'm afraid I'm in the middle of notating a piece, but when i'm done, I'll un-install and see if I can get it to happen again.

I also have just downloaded 0.9.6 and running Mac OS 10.5.8

I am getting a crash on save when creating a new file from scratch

I am using multiple untuned percussion staves 3xconga, 1xhihat, 1xkit5line


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