First bar time signature/g-clef + song text settings

• Dec 1, 2014 - 15:09

I am nearly finished with writing my sheet music. All of a sudden, I see that the first sign in the very first bar is the time signature 4/4 (even before the g-clef).
4/4 is the overall signature for the song, but I also have a few bars in 6/4 in the song. I don't know if that has anything to do with it...
Since I only want the time signature after the g-clef, my question is: How do I delete the first one?

Another problem is that this first g-clef is in a smaller size compared to the ones in the rest of the systems.
Is there a way of changing this and make it all correct?

The third thing that's happened in my sheet music is that the first verse is written in MuseJazz (10).
But when I changed time signature to 6/4, the text changed to a bold and italicised text.
How do I get the whole text to be in the same size? I have tried looking at Style/Edit Text Style, but nothing seems to happen.
Thanks a lot for any help! /Dave


You see a time signature *nefore* the clef? Something has gone wrong, but it's hard to say what. Youd have to post your score for anyone to give much advice. The fact that the clef is small is probably a symptom of the same basic problem.

Similar common about the fonts - hard to tell from just a description. It helps to post the score you are having problems with. I *can* tell you that text style normally only affects text *yet to be entered* in version 1.3 and earlier. Starting in 2.0, it will affect all text. But there are some cases where this works in 1.3, and lyrics is normally one of them. So it's hard to say what might be going on without seeing the score. I can say that for text items not affected by Style, you can usually still change Properties (right click, Text Properties).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your reply, Marc!
I managed to insert a new bar before my first. Then the right g-clef turned up first in the bar, followed by 4/4.
Now, I just need some help of how to delete the second bar - the previous first bar. It just doesn't want to disappear.
I've attached the score. Could you please see if you can change the text size so that it is the same overall?

Thanks a lot, Marc!

Attachment Size
Gold_Can_Turn_To_Sand.mscz, 15.11 KB

You see a time signature *nefore* the clef? Something has gone wrong, but it's hard to say what. Youd have to post your score for anyone to give much advice. The fact that the clef is small is probably a symptom of the same basic problem.

Similar common about the fonts - hard to tell from just a description. It helps to post the score you are having problems with. I *can* tell you that text style normally only affects text *yet to be entered* in version 1.3 and earlier. Starting in 2.0, it will affect all text. But there are some cases where this works in 1.3, and lyrics is normally one of them. So it's hard to say what might be going on without seeing the score. I can say that for text items not affected by Style, you can usually still change Properties (right click, Text Properties).

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