General tiny font size in high resolution laptop (Windows 8)

• Dec 23, 2014 - 22:53

Is there any way of increasing the general font for MuseScore 2 in Windows 8 high resolution laptop without lowering resolution for everything else? Thanks!


Unfortunately, high resolution displays are still new enough that there are no good standards for how they work, and Mac, Windows, and Linux all do things differently - thus making it hard for cross-platform applications like MuseScore. So while I can give you suggestions to try, I cannot make any guarantees. There are a number of controls for sizes of various elements in MuseScore, but which control you will need to adjust to depends on what specific symptoms you see - again, it tends to differ between operating systems.

On my Linux system with high resolution display, I had already upped the system font size, which causes dialog boxes and so forth in MuseScore to look good. Not sure if you've already done that or if it makes sense in Windows.

The next thing you might want to try is adding "-x 1.5" or "-x 2" to the command line for the executable, which will magnify the basic size of the score, palette, and a few other elements by whatever value you specific. Basically, it magnifies the things that look to small to me on my Linux machine, but it might not be the right things on your system.

You can also go to Edit / Preferences and adjust the icon sizes. These are scaled by the "-x" option, but if on your system the score itself looks OK but the icons are too small, you could do this instead. Or, if the score is too small but the icons are fine, you could use "-x" to increase the score size - which would then make the icons too large - but then decrease the icon size.

You can also set the default zoom level for the score itself in Edit / Preferences / Score.

Hopefully between these settings you can get what you want. If not, maybe post a screen shot or two so we can see what looks off and make suggestions - or make improvements to MuseScore before release. As far as I know, no one involved with MuseScore development or tresting thus far uses a high resoution dispolay on Windows, so we don't for sure what the issues might be.

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