Crash when adding slur line

• Aug 9, 2010 - 19:34

I was foolish enough to spot and correct a missing slur while I was already entering lyrics. MuseScore allowed me to do this, but then crashed.

I know it's unwise to do two things at once, but perhaps the program should refuse other changes while it is in lyric-writing mode.

MuseScore under Win XP



Can you give exact steps to reproduce the crash?
What I did and it didn't crash.

  1. Open MuseScore on demo score
  2. Click on first note
  3. Ctrl + L
  4. Enter "test"
  5. Click on another note
  6. Press S for slur

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I selected the first note of the piece, and started keying the lyrics.

I noticed I had not applied a slur a couple of beats ahead of where I was.

I clicked on the first item in the Lines section on the left of the screen and dragged it to the first of the two notes that were to share a syllable.

The program locked for a while, and eventually asked me if I wanted to send a message to MS about the error.

I have just done this using the demo, and found that if I clicked on another note I could then enter CTL-L again and continue typing lyrics.

Having proved it can be done without forced closure, I then clicked to close the Demo and was again shown the "mscore-exe Please tell MS about this problem" box. (I always click "Don't Send" for mscore, is that right?)


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