specific number of bars per line?

• Oct 18, 2010 - 02:24

Hello All,
Is it possible to assign a specific number of bars/measures per line of the score?
For instance, I want 7 bars per each line.
The muse software automatically extends according to what is in each bar.
Im doing up some practice scales for students and printing it like this will make it much easier for them.
Thanks alot!


I have been trying to adjust a set of reels so there are eight bars per line. The limitation seems to be the "font" size of the notes that I cannot find a way to change. I would be interested to hear if you solve this question.
Line breaks can only be used to shorten a line i.e. to break it to the next line sooner. I am trying to get more into a line than there is space for. I have used the style command and bar to reduce spaces between notes etc but am still stuck with the size of the notes.
I may be missing something here as I have only been using Musescore for a short time and have no experience of any other scoring programme.
I am tickled pink with it, especially at the price it comes for.

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Thanks for that. I now have my jigs with eight bars to the line using a combination of the scaling - space command and inserting line breaks where necessary.
I was trying to be too clever before doing it on the layout and bars commands.
Still think this programme is the best value software I have come across, well done and thanks to all the developers.

I had the same problem. What I have found that really works is if you go to the Layout menu and use the "add more stretch" and "add less stretch" options. It works pretty well. Just select the measures you need to shrink or enlarge and voila! It's not perfect, but it works great for me! Also, keep playing around with the tools and stuff. You'd be surprised what can work if you do a combination of things. Hope this helped!

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