centering the copyright

• Apr 12, 2015 - 01:17

I kind of have two questions. The main question is how to make the copyright in the center of the page. It is automatically in the center when all the other pages have it on the bottom, but when I tell musescore to put the copyright on only the first page, it slides it over to the left. I would like it centered.

also, I was wondering how to put the actual copyright sign in there. (c)


How are you telling MuseScore to put the copyright on only the first page? Assuming you are using the "$C" tag in the "Middle" field of Style / General / Header, Footer, Numbers, it shoudl work and does for me. If you are having problems, please post the specific score you are having problems with, and steps to reproduce.

As for how to get the copyright symbol, that differs from OS to OS and from keyboard to keyboard. What OS, what keyboard layout?

One way to get it without relying on the OS or keyboard to do it for you is to use the F2 palette to enter it into a piece of ordinary text, then copy it from there and paste it into the copyright field.

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