File/Open Recent
When I select "Open Recent" there are several temporary/work files listed. If I click on one of them nothing happens - IE no file is actually opened and no error message appears: the screen is left exactly as it was before I tried to open the file.
While it's not a show stopper it means the list is cluttered up with with pointless data. Could this be changed in a future release so that only files that I've deliberately saved are listed? While not exactly a "Feature" I didn't think it was a bug either so I wasn't sure where to log it.
By temporary files do you mean MuseScore files you opened from a website (which are subsequently deleted when you close your web browser)?
In reply to By temporary files do you by David Bolton
No, I have a few files with names like "C:/DOCUME-1/STEVEH-1/LOCALS-1/Temp/........"
EDIT : Thinking about it they are files that a friend sent me at different times as email attachments. I messed around with them a bit but didn't save them. So, I guess that's pretty much the same as your website scenario. Can I get rid of them somehow?
In reply to David, No, I have a by fatwarry
Open 5 files and there are gone ;)
In reply to By temporary files do you by David Bolton
David: I agree with FatWarry about the issue with temp files, such as those downloaded from the forums or through attachments. I view many of the uploaded scores from the forums and as such the Recent Files list on my tablet is now a good portion of the length of the screen because of the wraparound of the very long path/file string. I just tested it and got my system up to 23 entries, with the path/filenames long enough to fill 1/4 of my 22" LCD. My poor tablet would be overwhelmed!
Might I suggest limiting the number to something more reasonable like maybe 5-10, and add some logic to exclude those being stored in IE's TEMP space?
In reply to By temporary files do you by David Bolton
I see when I quit and restarted Musescore the display was trimmed back to 11 entries (10 temp and 1 local file). still, the storage of the TEMP files in the recent list does cause problems. I know I can edit them in the INI file, but thats not a good way to deal with it.
That didn't work for me. It just changed the order in which they appear
I have 10 files displayed in "Open Recent". 6 of them are proper files. 3 are the sort of Temp files I was describing and the last one is pointing to a file in a directory that I subsequently deleted so it's a sort of ghost entry.