Multi-page parts

• Feb 1, 2011 - 08:40

When composing/arranging/creating a multi-page part for a single instrument can the title of the piece, the instrument and page number be repeated automatically in smal print at the top of each page, which standard practise commercially. It is true that the instrument may be left showing at the start of every stave on every page, but this is not acceptable on a working part. Currently only the page number is added automatically at the bottom of subsequent pages. The title and instrument have to be added manually.



Something of the kind is implemented in the next version (NOT the 1.0, which is going to be released soon, but the next, currently available in nightly builds and also known as 'trunk').

In this version, running header and footer can contain up to three different texts; the contents of these texts can be fixed or depending on score properties (page number included).

So, you will need to be patient...


In reply to by Miwarre

Great to hear! I can't tell you how excited I am both by how good 1.0 looks already but also how many useful improvements are on the way!

Meanwhile, it seems that one could use the "copyright" text to show the instrument name on every page.

That's good news, thanks. It's a nice idea to use the copyright text to repeat the title and instrument but I already use it I'm put the copyright in !!

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yep, OK, I was being a bit tonge-in-cheek there, not intending to be unkind to your helpful and sensible suggestion. I have, in fact used the copyright field for repeat title and instrument on parts that are not going to be used for public performance, but ever since two choirs and a brass band in my area had 90% of their repertoire music confiscated and got hit with a hefty fine for its being illegal, mostly photocopied, everyone around here is being punctilious about their public performance music, which for me includes copyright on every page. It's no great inconvenience to put the repeat title and instrument at the top manually but to have it available from the system will be nice, and I patiently await that addition.

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