Embedding Lyrics in Midi Files?

• Mar 4, 2011 - 15:46

Hello forum,
New user and first time here.
Is it possible in Musescore (mac) to embed lyrics in midi files to get the karaoke style effect?
To be more specific:
Ability to type, paste, or import lyrics to a designated "Melody Midi Track" and have the lyrics snap to the "Melody notes." This won't be accurate, but hyphenating the words/syllables in the lyrics window, they should snap to the next corresponding note(s).

I did see the video about entering text, and most of what I'm asking is supported. For that karaoke effect, I believe this has to do with "Metadata?"

Thank you,


In reply to by gspro

MuseScore can import the lyrics from MIDI but it can export the lyrics in the resulting MIDI file.
MuseScore main goal is music notation. Depending of what you want to achieve you may prefer using a MIDI editor instead.

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