• Jul 24, 2015 - 05:39

You do not know how long I have been waiting for this symbol feature. Man, to get the pedal up markings was so tedious in Musescore 1.3 and first iterations of Musescore 2.0. I'm so glad that the Musescore Team decided to put it in as it's own unique symbol.

Thank you very much. here is a video I made expressing my gratitude.


You're welcome! Another thing you may appreciate - you no longer have to drag & drop the line then adjust its range manually. Simply select the range first, then double click the palette icon. The line is automatically placed under that range. Same for the other lines.

FWIW, though, it was actually not difficult to create this marking in 2.0 as well. It just wasn't *obvious* at all; quite the opposite. For the record, here's how you could have done it previously. Even though you don't need these steps any more for this particular marking, the basic technique is quite useful for any number of other situations as well. You only needed to follow these steps once, and then the symbol is permanently available to you on the palette exactly as it already is by default in 2.0.2:

- add a regular pedal line to any score
- right click it
- Line Properties
- copt the "Begin" text to the "End" box
- change the final "Ped" in that text to "Up"
- click the "..." icon next to the End text
- change horizontal alignment to Center
- OK, OK
- in Inspector, uncheck the "Line Visible" option
- read Handbook section on "Custom palette"
- add the line to your palette as described in the Handbook

So, it takes a minute or so to set up the very first time, but if it's a marking you use a lot, it's well worth the effort. Again, no longer necessary for this particular symbol, but good to know if there ever any other symbols you are missing. Chances are, there is already a way to create it, and if you can create it once, you can add it to your palette for future reuse.

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