Is there a limit to how much you can decrease stretch?

• Aug 15, 2015 - 19:17

With the old version of Musescore, I was able to set the note size at 2 mm and then reduce stretch as much as I wanted, even past the point at which all the notes fit legibly.

With the latest version, there seems to be a limit on how much I can reduce the stretch. Is this the case? Is there a way to get around it?

I have read several posts about fitting the desired number of measures per line, and they all end up saying the best way is with "decrease stretch," and do not mention that there is a limit to how much you can decrease it.

I don't understand all the jargon in the posts, so feel free to dumb down the answer.

Many thanks.


In reply to by Mark Wegner

No; it sets the baseline that the stretch percentage is then applied to.

The bug in 1.3 where it was formerly possible to create bogus layouts with overlapping notes / notes extending past barlines has indeed been fixed; negative stretch values are no longer permitted. They never should have been necessary in the first place - whatever it is youare trying to do can probably be done a different / better way. Feel free to post the score you are having trouble with and describe what you are trying to do.

If it's just a matter of trying to fit more measures on a system thsn your current settings allow, then the answer will likely be, change your settings. Either a smaller staff size (Layout / Page Settings) or smaller minimum note distance (Style / General / Measure / Minimum note distance). You can reduce the latter all the way to 0 if you really like; you'll then be able to make things so tight that the noteheads for the shortest value notes will literally touch.

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