2 Articulations

• Apr 21, 2011 - 04:56

2 things that I think would fall into articulations that would be helpful would be note head parenthesis and a note head circle (to go around the note head).

I've attached a drum key from a popular book on drum grooves as an example.

Attachment Size
drumkey.png 51.53 KB


You can put parenthesis around a notehead with the Z palette. Press Z and look for the right and left parenthesis. Drop them to the notehead.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

One thing that could be very useful in the drumset editor, would be the ability to add multiple articulations to the drum note definitions (with positioning). So that a rim shot note could be entered already with both parenthesis in place and they would always be in the same place, or the + or o over a high hat note would always be at the same height.

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