Change the duration of a selected group of notes

• Apr 18, 2015 - 17:41

Does existe the possibility to change the duration of a group of notes? For instance, I select a measure and then I would like to halves the duration of all the notes in it.


No, although this is a commonly requested feature that we hope to add someday. There is the possibility this could be done via a plugin, and there was one for 1.3 that partially addressed this, but to make it really work well, it would have to be a native function.

Would it be possible to do this for grace notes sooner rather than later? It seems as though it should be relatively easy to do, since grace notes seem to be a stand-alone attachment to the main note and nothing else would be affected. Now, if you enters a series of eighth-note grace notes and decide to change them to 16ths, you have to re-enter the whole series, adjusting each pitch with mouse or arrow. Selecting the whole sequence and double clicking the desired duration in the Grace Note palette has a charming result, but not the one you want.

In reply to by jwpratt

You don't actually have to re-enter the series. You change them one by one, same way you change other notes - outside of note enter, click one, press the shortcut for the deisred duration, use arrow key to move to next, do the same.

Not that it wouldn't be possible to have them all changed together some day, since as you say, nothing else would be affected.

Very good--thanks! Quick enough for something that rare. Doesn't even insert rests or, when increasing duration, override subsequent notes. Btw, there's a misprint on p86 of the bible, unless it's been corrected--back slash for slash.

Let me add my support for this request. I was looking for this capability to change a previously coded duet from 2/4 with lots of eights to 4/4 for easier reading by a new (grade school) player.

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