Strange behaviour and no update (Ubuntu, 0.9.??)

• May 6, 2009 - 22:43

I have only been using mscore for 24 hours and already have to report two problems.

Ubuntu 8.04

1. After a few hours of working correctly, mscore seems to have developed a bug: cutting and pasting a measure closes the program (sends signal 11), whether by CTRL-C, CTRL-V or by righr button and clicking. (cost me an hour of work, sigh). It is local to the mscore, other processed don;t get killed this way.

2. So I decided try 0.9.4 instead of the installed 0.9.0. Uninstalled the former, installed form this website, and I still have 0.9.0 and it still crashes on copy/paste.

Any ideas?


I have not used 0.9.0 so I don't know if there is a bug that causes MuseScore to crash.

Ubuntu's policy is to not show updates for software that was released after the version of Ubuntu you are using (for system stability). You may find more recent versions of MuseScore under the "Ubuntu stable backports" section of the download page of this website.

In reply to by David Bolton

More on the subject: a closer examination shows that the version is not what the opening banner says (0.9.0) but 0.9.1d, which seems to be the latest ubuntu stable version.
I tested cut/paste with other programs and none interpret the CTRL-C or CTRL-V as a linux CTRL-C.
In mscore, even using edit/copy and edit/paste has the same result. Even after I removed and reisntalled the program...
I guess I'll have to look for another one...


In reply to by David Bolton

Again, thanks.
I think that I used the backports - I installed friom the latest ubuntu stable version "install from the browser" on the download page and it gave me version 0.9.1d...
(and that install link is what came up a minute ago when I searched "ubuntu stable backports", so I assume that is it...)

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