Classical Guitar

• Jul 29, 2011 - 16:56

In classical guitar notation the melody and bass notes are written all on the same set of lines with a treble clef. Can this be done with MuseScore please? If yes, how?


Hello Joe2854,

Yes this is possible using MuseScore. Just use the ‘voice’ possibility: First enter the
‘up stem’ notes as the first ‘voice’ in a measure, then go back to the start in this measure,
click on the little green square denoted as ‘voice 2’ in the same bar where the note duration is depicted. You will notice a colour change of the cursor into green. This voice then act as the (down stem) bass notes for the guitar.Then enter those ‘down stem’ notes until the end of the measure is reached. Same procedure for the other measures.
All this is documented in the ‘Voices’ part of the manual.
In the same manner you can enter a third- and forth voice when needed.
BTW, this is not a bug, it is a plane feature of MuseScore.

In reply to by JoeAlders

Hi Joe
Thanks for your reply.
I have another question
In Classical guitar notation the base note is sometimes played and written not exactly underneath the melody note but as it is played a fraction of a second before the base note is written slightly to the left and this is done without any rests.
Is this possible on Musescore ?
Best regards

In reply to by JOE2854

Dear Sirs
I have a question regarding how to write music repeats.
I would like to start at the beginning A and go to C then return to A and go to B and finaly from B go to D untill the end
Each part of the music has several measures except for D
Should I use Volta 1 and Volta 2 or should I use DC coda etc

In reply to by JOE2854

That's kind of up to you, but whichever you choos, it can be done in MuseScore. Normally, one would use repeats and voltas first, and use a DS and a coda omly for an ending, but that's not set in stone.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc
Thanks for your reply but I have not yet managed to do it.
My question is not only one related to Musescore but also one related to how one should write music.
I have 4 sections of music each consisting of a number of measures.
I would like to start at the beginning of section A and play through sections A, B and C and when I get to the end of section C
I would like to go back to the beginning of section A and play section A and section B.When I get to the end of section B
I would like to jump section C and go to the beggining of section D and play this section which takes me to the end of my music piece.
Can you tell me what I need to enter D.C al Coda etc
Best regards

In reply to by JOE2854

As I said, you can really do it either way- both are correct ways of writing music. The choice is yours. Normally, you'd use repeats is the section that gets skipped the second time - section C - is short (say, less than four measures) but use ds and coda if it is longer. But I'd recommend finding a book on web site on basic music notation to help you understand things like this. Once you understand what it is you want to do, then you can ask here how to do it in MuseScore, although you'll also probably be able to understand the Handbook better. it does assume you know the basics of music notation already. So you might as well read up on that.

Once you've come to the point of understanding how these things work in music in general, then you can look in the Handbook to see how to do things in MuseScore. To do the version with repeats and endings, see "bar line" and "volta" in the handbook. To do the version with DS & coda, see "repeat" in the handbook. But only you can decide which you want. Again, both are potentially correct.

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