Lilypond Layout Errors

• Aug 20, 2011 - 14:44

When typesetting a Lilypond file (MuseScore made it), I sometimes get things like:

:152:2: error: syntax error, unexpected \layout

\layout {\context {\Score \consists Span_bar_engraver}}
error: unknown escaped string: `\Score'
\layout {\context {
\Score \consists Span_bar_engraver}}
/Applications/Lilypond/ error: syntax error, unexpected $end
(ly:parser-error parser (_ "expected error, but none found"))))

error: failed files

I don't understand much about it, but scaling (in MuseScore) sorts the problem. Can anyone advice? I don't know it it's a bug, but I think there should be something implemented to avoid the error?


If you really want to go the lilypond way, I would advice exporting musicXML from MuseScore and using musicXML2ly (provided by lilypond) to get the lilypond file. The output may be cleaner.

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