Playback will not jump to coda

• Aug 22, 2011 - 22:45

Please see the attached file. I'd like to put in lyrics and background music for this song but I'd like to fix this problem first. So, it plays through the first ending fine, then through the second ending okay, then jumps to the segno okay. But when it gets to "to coda", it plays through ending 2 and then coda, and doesn't just jump to the coda like it should.

Help please?

Attachment Size
Princess of the Stormy Seas.mscz 6.41 KB


In reply to by saeryena

I'm afraid there is no way to help you, except by solving the bug. Indeed, it seems to be a bug in MuseScore. I think it's due to the segno being at the same place than the repeat bar.

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