Private scores and groups

• Mar 9, 2016 - 15:35

I have created a group (named Tafel307, Public, Moderated) on my free account and invited several members, succesfully. I uploaded a private score and with the tag Tafel307, and added it to the group Tafel307. The group members can not find this score in their app. What did I do wrong?


In reply to by tafel307

The attached screenshot shows that the scores have been created by user Tafel307.

It does not mean that those scores have been added to the group Tafel307 (same group name as the user name above).

To check whether the score has been made available to the group click the score and check the groups displayed under the heading *This score appears in* and then it should read Tafel307 (group). If it is not the case then you can use the button Add to/remove from group to add your score to the group.

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