New language

• Aug 9, 2011 - 23:20

I would like to start new language translation - Estonian.
Browsing the site and forum for while but no way to find out where to start new language translation.
How should I proceed?


hi ottmaaten,

Estonian has now been activated on the translation server:
Also, your account has now translator rights to translate the content on

First of all, let's get acquainted how to translate content on

  • Go to which is the teaser post at the top of the front page of
  • Click on the translate/ tab
  • Scroll down and click on the "add translation" link in the line where you see Estonian
  • Now, replace all the English text with the Estonian translation but leave the markup in
  • Once that is done, hit the Submit button at the bottom
  • You can check out your work at

This is how content on is being translated. You can repeat the same steps for any other page, either menu pages or handbook pages.

One more thing, could you tell me what the translation is for: Free music composition & notation software

In reply to by Thomas

I noticed that you succeeded translating the teaser page. That was actually a special page. The next ones are easier since they can all be found at the right side in the menu. Click on one of these pages, find the translate tab and add the Estonian translation.

But you can also decide to start translating the software via

Feel free to ask questions any time!

BTW if you can give me the translation on "Free music composition & notation software", then I can change the slogan. Thx!

In reply to by Marko Uibo

Hey Vinyylimees, thanks a lot for pointing out that Estonian was not available yet on the translation server. I added it now. You also have translation access now on You'll find an extra block in the right sidebar with some translation links.

Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.