Problem with beaming? Can I go free? (no autofilling) DRUMS Choice of writting

• Apr 23, 2016 - 02:07

I play drums, and so far is pretty annoying how the software works at least in "automatic"

Drums can be written in several ways, but I´m not really allowed, I can only do it one way.

I will try to explain in a simple way, using the most basic ROCK rhythm in 4/4:

If you would like to write 8 Eighths on top (in 4 groups of two), and under 4 quarters (1 and 3 on Bass Drum, 2 and 4 on Snare), Musescore does not allow this and suggest other way of beaming, etc. which is valid too but I don´t want to use (combining snare and hi-hat together. Can I write MY way? How?

Question: is there a botton that allows me to write EXACTLY how and what I want without autofilling (could be also anther way of seeing the solution of the problem).

To be more explicit, in 4/4 if I write a quarter automatically the system writes a doted half rest.

If I would be able to JUST put that note without any interferance of the machine LOGICALLY I would already be able to do what I wanted previously with the rock rhythm.

At the end TRAINED musicians don´t need to be told you are writting to much stuff in a measure or to less.

Also how do I get out the green colour?

Thanks, I hope I was able to explain the problem in an comprensible way.


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Musicscore ejemplo.jpg 40.99 KB


Hi there, it sounds like you just need to edit the drumset so it matches your needs.
You can change the snare to use voice 2 and have the stem down. Like this the bass and snare will share the same voice and the extra rests will not be created.
You may also want to adjust the time signature properties so that 2 eights are beamed instead of 4.

Please have a look at:

Here is my output in MS: drum-sample.png

The green colour only appears when editing and shows the voice you are entering the information in. Voice 1 is Blue, Voice 2 is Green, Voice 3 is Orange, Voice 4 is Purple. This is only on screen. In print or export the notes will still be black. You can alter the voice by selecting 1, 2, 3 or 4 on the right in the toolbar.

In reply to by Henk De Groot


Your answer seems what I am looking for, if fact you wrote it like I want it (I will like to keep this style FOREVER, not cymbals and Hi-Hat together), but wasn´t able yet to achieve results at any of the problems...

1) snare/HH


2) the Beaming.

Couldn´t even find the key to change the beaming, my software is in Spanish.

Could you tell me the "road/way" for example to change the beaming in that language?

Thanks a lot!

In reply to by Elmacho

When you read the Handbook section on drum notation and editing drumsets, you wil see it describes how to save your customzied drumset and than load that into other scores. You can also save a score as a template - just set it up the way you like and save it to your Templates folder. It will be available for use next time you restart MuseScore.

To see how to change beaming options, see the Handbook under "Beam" and "Time signature".

In reply to by Elmacho

Beaming adjustement
- Right click on the 4/4 time signature
- Select "Propiedades de la indicación de compás"

Now you can see how the default beaming is created.
Just explain the adjustment to the eights but you can adjust the others as well.

- In Grupos de notes, at the Corchea section click the 3rd and the 7th note
- Click Aceptar to confirm the change

Edit Drumset
- Start Note Entry for a Drumset part
- Select "Editar set de percusión" button (near the bottom of the screen)
- Scroll down the list to Núm. 38 (Caja Acústica) and click that line

The right section will now be populated how the default entry for this note (snare) will be.

- Change "Voz predetermindada" to 2
- Change "Dirección de la plica" to Abajo
- Click Aceptar to confirm the change

You can now start entering the notes
- Press number 4 (to select entering corchea)
- Press G to enter Hi-hat (8x)
- Use the Left Arrow key to move the cursor back to the beginning of the measure/bar
- Press number 5 (to select entering negra)
- Press B to enter the Bass drum
- Press A to enter the Snare
- Press B to enter the Bass
- Press A to enter the Snare

This is just a start of course, you can make more changes to the settings.

In reply to by Henk De Groot

Thanks for all the patient comments!!!

So far I was able to change the beaming and REALIZED why before, following your instructions, I couldn´t correct it (just commenting for you to know), it was because I was already with the drum set OPENED (notes) then the time signature woud not ACTIVATE for further modifications.

Anyway, that´s solved, thanks again!

With the other thing (having the head up on snare), I¨m stuck here (I do it all, but don´t know why even I follow the instructions the changes DON´T STAY - it´s all like you said and CONFIRMED):

The right section will now be populated how the default entry for this note (snare) will be.
- Change "Voz predetermindada" to 2
- Change "Dirección de la plica" to Abajo
- Click Aceptar to confirm the change


In reply to by Elmacho

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "don't stay" - do you mean when you return to the dialog later, you are not seeing that change still in effect? If so, please post the specific score you are having problems with.

If you just mean, these changes don't affect notes you've already entered, that much is normal. You need to change those manually, or re-enter them.

In reply to by Elmacho

Hi, it looks like the change has not been applied to the correct note/instrument.

When you edit the drumset and scrolldown in the list on the left, please make sure you click on the line you want to change first before making the change.

The result should be similar to this screenshot. Also the drum set toolbar should show the snare drum with the stem down.

In reply to by Elmacho

Right, as I said, changes to the voice and stem direction in the drumset only affect notes *not* already entered. To change notes already entered, you can select them then press the button for the desired voice on the main toolbar, although this wont work if the note can't be added to that time position in the destination voice (eg, already soemthing different happening there). So you might have to delete those notes and re-enter them But it does work.

If you continue to have problems, again, please post the *actual score* you are having difficulty with (a picture is not enough), and tell use as precisely as possible what you wish to do.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, I understood the problem and solved it NOW but now I have other (as I said the program should ALSO AN ALTERNATIVE/MODE to let one also work freely leting musicians write what and how they want, SOME MUSICIANS KNOW HOW TO WRITE WITHOUT MISTAKES, HAHA).

I think the problem is pretty evident NOW, the two 8´s notes were taken by the new quarter, and the quarter rest (bass drum) under didn´t disapear. Its keeping like two paralel 4/4, being the bass drum indipendent from snare. I want snare and bass drum in conjuction and only hi hat up.

Thanks por your patient and help!


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Prueba la pude corregir a medias.jpg 22.65 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yes, I understood the problem and solved it NOW but now I have other (as I said the program should ALSO AN ALTERNATIVE/MODE to let one also work freely leting musicians write what and how they want, SOME MUSICIANS KNOW HOW TO WRITE WITHOUT MISTAKES, HAHA).

I think the problem is pretty evident NOW, the two 8´s notes were taken by the new quarter, and the quarter rest (bass drum) under didn´t disapear. Its keeping like two paralel 4/4, being the bass drum indipendent from snare. I want snare and bass drum in conjuction and only hi hat up.

Thanks por your patient and help!


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Prueba la pude corregir a medias.jpg 22.65 KB

In reply to by Elmacho

You *can* write whatever you want. You just need to enter notes into the correct voice. If you want snare and bass drum in conjunction, simply enter them into the same voice, and put the hi hat in a different voice - it's that simple. So in your example here, you need to define the drumset to put snare and bass drum in voice 2 and cymbal in voice 1. It looks like you made the msitake of entering the snare into voice 1 and then trying to flip the stem manually. That is why the snare quarter replaced the cymbal eighths - because you entered them into the same voice. Tht is also why you see a rest in voice 2 - because that is where the snare *should* be,

Try the attached score. You'll see I have defined the snare drum to be stem down in voice 2 by default, and have entered your example into measure 1 for you. You can enter this music into yourself very easily. Click measure 2, press "N", type "4 G G G G G G G G" to enter the eighths in the cymbal, then hit left arrow to move the cursor back to that measure and type "5 B A B A" to enter the quarter notes in the bass and snare drum.

If there is something you are still having trouble with after reading the Handbook on "Note input", "Voices", and "Drum notation", feel free to ask here.

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sample-drums.mscz 3.58 KB

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