MuseScore 2.0 Weird Playback Problems?

• Mar 25, 2015 - 02:24


I just installed MuseScore 2.0 and I was just playing through one of my pieces, and it was working fine until it randomly started playing the piece much more slowly and stuttering a huge amount. This never happened before, so I was wondering how I could fix this problem.

The problem seems to be beginning around measure 47 onward in the attached score, but also happening for a little bit around measure 27. It seems like the problems occur when there are either shorter notes or more notes, but that's just my hypothesis.

Thank you.

Attachment Size
Symphony No. 4.mscz 60.6 KB


Seems to play fine for me. Perhaps you CPU is becoming overloaded - is it an older machine, or are there a lot of other running at once? You might try rebooting to clear out memory and old processes then trying again.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hmm, it looks like closing out of MuseScore completely and re-opening it fixed the problem. It was weird because the same thing kept happening on the same exact measures, so I assumed it wasn't because my computer was lagging or using up too much memory. Anyways, the problem seems to be fixed.

Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for the help!

I have run into the same problem with 2.0. I was entering a version of Wildwood Flower. I entered the guitar melody. It sounded good. Then I entered the keyboard. Same thing. Everything sounded good until I entered a Banjo Roll. I entered 4 measures and played it back to see how it sounded. That is when everything went crazy. I muted the banjo and it played back perfectly.
The banjo roll consists of sixteenth notes. I don't know if the sixteenth notes have anything to do with it but without the banjo, everything sounds perfect.
Does anyone else have this problem? Has anyone figured out how to fix it?

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Yes , I did a reboot and it worked fine. I exited Musescore and then reopened. Same thing.
I originally found this problem addressed in a thread "strange playback problems posted Sep 2012.
This is how it was described. "the tempo slows down, and notes sound distorted and off-key, as though the program is struggling to process the information (yes, sounds weird I know). Then a few bars later it all sounds normal again"
This is exactley how my piece sounds. I am also on Windows 7. I opened your attachment of my file and i did the same thing. Now I'm thinking I may have a bad copy of Musescore 2.0

In reply to by Rico Inc

I guess I jumped the gun. It played fine for awhile then it started acting up again. I put it away for awhile. Today when I open it up, same same. If I mute the Banjo and Second Acoustic Guitar it plays fine. Yesterday I entered a few new scores and they all played well. Maybe Musescore does not like Wildwood Flower!!! Hope someone can come up with an answer.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

I reinstalled 2.0.1 The soundfont is FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3. All the scores I entered played perfectly. I went back into my library of scores I did with the original Musescore and the ones that I opened pllayed well. Now here is the kicker. I found that I had entered Wildwood Flower back in 2011. I opened it and it played perfect. ?????????

In reply to by Rico Inc

I can tell a similar story.

I have been working on instrumental arrangements for a performance of Gilbert & Sullivan's The Sorcerer.

At one point shortly after I installed MuseScore 2.0 every time the score came to a 6 note Guitar chord it would stutter and slow playback.

After plaguing me for a few days, the problem mysteriously disappeared on its own and has never returned.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I am still having an issue with this problem. Sometimes it plays fine and other times it is messed up. I think Musescore is a fantastic program so I will not badmouth it. But this one little bug is driving me crazy. And so far it is only on this one score.
I entered the first ten bars of Wildwood Flower again just to see if it played OK. It did not! .

I have the same issue with V2.0.1 running on Vista 32-bit.
My laptop is a few years old now - dual core 2GHz.

When the playback is poor, I can press the play button to stop play, then again to start play and it sounds fine for nearly a bar, then the sound deteriorates.
Also, when I press to stop, there are a few strange "echo" sounds before it goes quiet.

I can export to MIDI and that plays fine. Export to MP3 is also fine (a bit slow).

I wondered if MuseScore is struggling with the number of notes sounding simultaneously. My score has five staves and the music is fairly quick (often 8 new notes at a time) , so the previous notes are probably still decaying as the new notes start. If so, perhaps a solution would be a note limit option for older processors - say a limit of 10 simultaneous notes and just stop playing the quietest old note completely when a new note starts. Sounds like a lot of work though.
Note that the problem score was written with Sibelius, exported as MusicXML and imported to MuseScore if that helps.

I don't think I'm able to post the score that is causing the stuttering, but here's a made-up one that MuseScore struggles with playing.
I think on electronic pianos there is a polyphonic limit for how many notes it can play at the same time (including the "release" bit of the ADSR envelope). So when the limit is reached, the oldest quietest sounds are stopped, allowing the newest notes to play.
It would be fab to have a configurable polyphony limit in MuseScore, but probably too much work.

In the original score, I was able to export as MIDI and play the tune, so that is a work-around for now.

Attachment Size
StutteringTest.mscz 19.3 KB

In reply to by DonH

Your test file plays fine for me - Windows 10 - using the default FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 soundfont. Are you using the same soundfont? Any other audio apps running in the background?
Maybe try lowering the volume in the Synthesizer to reduce the possibility of clipping.


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