Trying to write Two Double Whole Notes

• May 25, 2016 - 02:20


I am trying to write two double whole notes simultaneously as shown in attached file musescore-double-whole-notes-expected.png. However, it keeps coming out with one double note and a whole note as shown in musescore-double-whole-notes-results.png. Could someone point out how to make it appear as desired?

I used Musescore 2.0.3 Revision 3c7a69d on a Mac.

Thanks a bunch.


It's a bit of non-working because the double note doesn't fit in your measure, and gets split into two tied whole notes, leaving the cursor on the second whole note after entering the first double. Which in its turn results in only augmenting that last note.

Workaround 1:
1. Enter Note entry mode, set duration to double.
2. Press the key to enter your first note
3. Press the Left arrow key *twice*
4. Augment using Shift+[A-G] -> only the first note is now augmented
5. Press + -> augment note is now tied into the next measure as well.

Workaround 2 (only since 2.0.3):
1. Enter Note entry mode, set duration to whole.
2. Enter the first note as a whole [A-G]
3. Augment it using Shift+[A-G] -> you now have the correct chord with the duration of a whole
4. Press + -> chord is tied into the next measure for the selected duration

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