Upgrade to 4.4.3 no longer works with XP Pen tablet

• Dec 4, 2024 - 16:44

I've been using MuseScore for a while now and aside from the occasional minor bug it's been working great.

This morning I upgraded to MuseScore 4.4.3 and now, the software no longer works with my XP Pen tablet, which I've been using when I do all of my scores to this point. I'm running Windows 10.

Specifically, when you click on any item with the pen, let's say a menu item, it highlights the item just as it normally would, but the menu does not open. If you click with the mouse everything works normally. However, once you have 'broken' the item by using the pen, the mouse no longer works.

For example, if I use the mouse and click on the "file" menu, everything works as expected. If I click on the "file" menu with the pen, the file menu highlights (on my screen changes from dark gray to light gray) but the menu does not open. Additionally, the menu remains in it's highlighted state (light gray), and is no longer operable. From this point forward, clicking on the file menu with the mouse does nothing.

This is consistent with all menu items, and most other selectable items in the program (notes, rests, etc.). The pen does allow you to drag the score around the screen... so perhaps it's something related to "mouse clicks" generated by the pen?

Very frustrating since I work much faster with the pen than I can with the mouse.

Any ideas as to work arounds for this issue? It has to be something changed in the latest 4.4.3 update.
Here is a screenshot. In this example, I have clicked on the File, and Edit Menus with the pen. The remaining menus work fine with the mouse, but the File and Edit no longer open. You can see that they remain highlighted.

Attachment Size
Capture.PNG 20.11 KB


I've added the diagnostic files for inspection.

Looking through the logs, there are a ton of the following errors: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth". That sounds like it might be related to the menu issue, but maybe not. Just jumped out at me so thought I'd mention it here,

NOTE: even though the menus do not open after they are clicked on with the pen, the shortcut keys continue to work normally.

Attachment Size
diagnostic files.zip 1.15 MB

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